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The Emerging Nurse Leader program is, year on year, the best decision I’ve made in growing myself personal and professionally as an early-career nurse. I have grown through mentorship, being uplifted by expanding my network with inspiring and passionate nursing leaders, and by learning to be self-driven in my leadership. The opportunities are endless, and more doors keep opening with each stage of this program! I have had the opportunity to be in leadership teams of ACN NSW Region, and the Chronic Disease Faculty and Next Generation Faculty, moderate concurrent sessions at the ACN National Nursing Forum, and work on incredible projects including a Career Pathway project for the ENL program. The transferable leadership skills of communication, collaboration, time-management, public speaking, delegation, and creativity are all growing me as an early career nurse and can now be applied in my clinical practice. My advice to anyone considering this program is: There’s a world of opportunities out there waiting for you! This program is a platform to be exposed to a diverse range of experiences that will only grow and empower you as a nurse and individual. Nursing leadership doesn’t start with a title, it starts with passion, openness to new challenges and a willingness to learn. Being an ENL career-changing for me, and I know it will be for you too!